You may trade in equities easily by shifting to Burgan Trade application from ON -Investments – Equities/VİOP trades step, without need to enter PIN again.
If you don’t have an Equities account yet, log-in on ON now. From Investments – Equities/VİOP Trades step, shift to the related step in the ON Internet Branch to easily open an account, without having to enter PIN again.
For equities trading; you may shift directly to Burgan Trade without PIN, from ON - Equities/VİOP trades menu.
For your Equities and VİOP contracts you select, you may create a watch-list on Burgan Trade*, and easily monitor the price movements. You may track your orders and portfolio daily, and track prices, and create your favorites list.
*Burgan Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş. offers brokerage service for equities and VİOP trades.
Click here for more detailed information, on Burgan Yatırım website.
If you are not an ON’ner yet, download ON, complete the form in Become our Customer step. Become our customer in a video call with our specialist account manager. Follow the steps Investments – Equities/VİOP trades, to easily open an Equities Account.
What are Equities?
- They offer higher return opportunity compared to fixed income investment instruments in short, medium and long term.
- Investors become entitled to receive dividend on the net profit distributed by the company, as represented by the equities they hold.
- Trading gains can be earned if the price increases, and there may be loss on principal if the price falls, so equities pose higher risk than fixed income investment instruments.
- Equities are kept in custody by Central Registrar (MKK) under the investors’ name and investment account number.
- Income on trading in equities except for Investment Trusts and Exchange-Traded Funds (ETF) are subject to withholding at 0%
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