Human Resources

Human Resources

Human Resources

Welcome to Burgan Bank's human resources pages.

You're Important

Being a Burgan Bank employee means being a part of a new service culture. With its vision of providing financial services at world standards of quality, the basic elements underlying Burgan Bank's corporate culture are people, ethical values, and technology. Of the three, the most important of course is people and that's because in banking it's people who produce service and people who buy it.

Backed by the knowledge, experience, and support of its employees, Burgan Bank has set out to create the Bank of the future and it invites qualified bankers as well as recent graduates to join its young and dynamic yet experienced staff.

Our Human Resources Policy

In line with our Bank's goals and strategies and taking our "people first" philosophy as our point of departure:

  • Recruit human resources whose personal and professional qualifications are high,
  • Provide newly-hired employees with training that will equip them with the knowledge and experience that will enable them to make a difference,
  • Regularly monitor and measure employees' job productivity by means of a competency-based performance evaluation system,
  • Develop and maintain reward systems and career paths that will enhance employee motivation and productivity

Our HR Mission

To develop modern, principled, participatory human resources and training programs to support our growth targets in the industry by acting as a strategic business partner in our banking operations, thus contributing to the development of our corporate culture.

  • To develop modern, principled, participatory human resources and training programs to support our growth targets in the industry
  • To recruit competent and result-oriented human resources in line with the bank's strategies and targets
  • To enhance the bank's performance by rewarding high employee performance
  • To prepare our employees for management positions – employees aligned with our corporate culture and experts in their fields – to strengthen our corporate philosoph
  • To create a competent and motivated organization by ensuring employee satisfaction through proactive human resources practices
  • To provide our employees with the necessary training and development to increase their work performance in line with our bank's strategy, business targets and mission

Recruitment Management

Recruitment Process

We recruit according to our bank's short and medium-term strategic targets. Our goal is to employ highly educated people – open to new ideas and change – people who can make our values their own and perpetuate them.

We screen candidates according to their qualifications and potential for development in banking competencies and the experience required for both the position and the industry.

Experienced and inexperienced candidates are invited to interview with our managers in the Human Resources Group. Interviews are also attended by branch managers or units requiring new personnel.

When recruiting people to take part in the banker trainee program, the recruitment process includes a general abilities examination, an English language proficiency examination, and a personality inventory as well as the interview.

Open Positions

Our bank hires both experienced and inexperienced personnel in line with its human resources plan. Our current hiring needs and vacancies may be viewed on our "Vacancy Announcements" Web page. Applications are submitted on our Web page.

Career Development and Training Management

Performance Evaluation

The fundamental goal is to manage individual performance in line with the Bank's targets and strategies in order to create successful results for both the employee and the Bank.

Therefore, employees' competence and contribution to business outcomes are evaluated annually. The main goals are to establish a performance communication between manager and employee, to monitor and track performance periodically throughout the year, to evaluate the direct impact of employees' overall annual performance on business outcomes by way of target monitoring for business outcome contribution and competence evaluations, and to evaluate based on the concrete results of this contribution and individual responsibility. Evaluation results have a role in the salary, career and training processes of our employees.

Career Development

Our Bank's goal is to provide a career target and plan in light of competency profiles, performance evaluations, knowledge and experience of our high-potential bearing employees who have embraced the Bank's vision, mission and values. Furthermore, our Bank aims to manage these plans in harmony with corporate demands and needs. All of our employees who want to direct their own career path, plan their careers by defining their goals with their managers. The tools our employees can utilize during their career planning include: meetings with managers, performance evaluations, their own abilities and experience, projects which they have participated, career paths within the company, open positions listed within the company and career pools established for various positions within the company

Our fundamental strategy is to utilize our existing workforce to fill new positions within the Bank and to promote existing entry-level employees to manager positions. In light of this strategy, we brief our employees regarding open positions through internal career bulletins so that they can apply for those they find suitable. All employees who are found suitable for the position and who hold the necessary qualifications are invited for interviews.

Our employees can be assigned to the new position with a promotion and/or with their existing title and other side benefits, depending on the expectations of the position and the candidate's profile. In order for these career transitions to happen, there must be vacancies within the company, the candidate must possess the knowledge and experience required for the position, and the candidate must have a track record of high performance or a high overall potential.


It is our Bank's fundamental policy to view all the training we provide to our employees as an investment made in order to increase their performance and support their improvement, and to link the results of this investment to the business and their success.

It is mandatory for all of our new employees to attend an orientation program that contains training customized to their position. Furthermore, we provide both self-improvement and career improvement programs for our experienced employees. We also provide programs geared towards bringing our entry-level employees to management level, developing our management resources, and creating a common management culture. Finally, we monitor our managers and management trainees' progress and improvement through mentoring programs.

Our training seminars are prepared with a diverse array of positions, titles and experience in mind. In addition to the traditional in-class seminars, we provide e-learning and simulation programs to implement multiple learning methods. All fundamental and improvement programs are designed and implemented in light of our Bank's goals and strategies as well as the needs of our employees. Both internal subject experts as well as external trainers contribute to the design and execution of our training programs, by sharing their knowledge and experience with our employees and guiding them.

Compensation and Benefits Management

Remuneration Policy

Our bank has a remuneration policy to reward achievement, to offer salaries corresponding to the positions and responsibilities, and to provide a certain degree of incentives based on current economic and market conditions. Differences in remuneration result from differences in information and experience. Salary increases are based on both employee performance evaluations and management decisions according to the Market Salary Research and Human Resources Group.

Working Hours

Employee daily and weekly working hours and rest periods are based on both work requirements and local conditions. However, legal requirements and individual work contracts take precedence. The bank's current working hours are from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Leave Policy

The bank's policy of leave with pay is based on the Labour Law No. 4857. Accordingly, employees with employment periods of 1-5 years are given 17 days leave with pay; those with 5-15 years, 20 days; and those with over 15 years, 26 days.​

Health Insurance

Health expenses of our employees and their families are covered by annual health insurance.

Life and Accident Insurance​

Our Life and Accident Insurance guarantees our employees against life risks, accidents and critical diseases that may occur.​

Additional Benefits

A cafeteria is available in the headquarters building for the use of headquarters employees.

Employees are provided with monthly lunch vouchers through a contracted company.

Transport service is available for our employees in the Head Office.

Social Activities

With a view to enhance our internal communications, synergy and motivation, we hold social, cultural and sports activities for all Burgan Bank employees. Our annual activities are organized and announced.​​